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HomeGuest Liability Form


Print, complete and have the guest sign this form, and bring it to the event leader.

Due to the popularity of sports events, i.e. so many hikes having filled so quickly, resulting in many members being waitlisted, non-member guests will no longer be allowed on VC50 hikes or other sports events, unless 1) a hike (or any sports event) does not fill to capacity before its date, 2) no members are on the waitlist and, 3) the leaders wish to allow guests.

After the above criteria are met, a guest participation in a sports event is allowed only one time. After that, the guest must become a member of VC50 in order to participate in club events. We ask that you respect this policy.

 Sponsoring Member Name (if applicable)

Guest Name


Physical Address or PO Box


Email Address


Best Contact Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)



In consideration for being allowed to participate in Vail Club 50 sponsored events, the signer agrees to:

I hereby release, waive and forever discharge, and agree not to sue or file any claims of any nature against Vail Club 50, its officers, directors, agents, leaders, committees and/or members ("ReleasedParties") for any and all actions or claims of any kind for personal injuries, personal property damage, and/or any other injury or damage of any type whatsoever, which I may sustain as the result of the negligence or other acts, however caused, by myself or the Released Parties, during my participation inVail Club 50 activities. I understand and agree that this Waiver and Release shall be binding on my heirs, personal representatives and assigns.


I acknowledge, agree and represent that I understand the activities offered by Vail Club 50 are potentially hazardous requiring excellent mental and physical conditioning, and that injuries can occur from accidents or from the negligence or carelessness of others which may result in LOSS, DAMAGE, and INJURY or DEATH. I am voluntarily participating in these activities with knowledge of the danger involved, AND I ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN RISKS WHICH MIGHT ARISE.

I represent that my mental and physical condition, and the condition of my equipment, is to the best of my knowledge adequate to allow me to safely participate in Vail Club 50 activities, and that no physician or other qualified person has advised me against participating in such activities. I also consent to permit emergency medical treatment in the event of injury or illness.

By accepting this Waiver and Release of Liability, I release Vail Club 50 from liability for injuries resulting from the ordinary negligence of Vail Club 50. In the case of a lawsuit, jurisdiction or state laws will apply only from the state of Colorado. 

I agree that any photographs taken of me during this event may be used in an unlimited way by the club itself and on the club website and social media pages.

I have read this entire agreement, fully understand its terms, understand I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely, without any inducement or assurance of any nature. I understand this is a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.

Guest: I have read the entire waiver and release.

_____ I accept the above waiver

_____ I do not accept the above waiver (you will not be able to participate in VC50 activities as a guest.)



Guest Signature





Click HERE to access the waiver as a Google doc to print.